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Taxodium mucronatum (Cypress, Montezuma)

Cypress, Montezuma

Taxodium mucronatum

Native to Mexico and the Rio Grande area of Texas, Montezuma Cypress is also known as Sabino or Ahuehuete; it is the national tree of Mexico. There is a specimen called “Tule” in Santa Maria that is estimated to be 2,000 years old.

Montezuma Cypress tree is an ideal substitute for the Bald Cypress, as it holds onto its leaves better during cold weather. In warmer areas of Southern Texas, it remains evergreen. Extremely versatile as it thrives in river beds and standing water, it tolerates drought like conditions anywhere in Texas.  When grown in standing water, it produces “knees” that are characteristic of the Taxodium cypresses.

They are often staked when cultivated in the nursery industry, as they are fast growing and the wood is weak when young. The branches have a natural weeping habit to them, and have pinnately arranged flat leaves that are needle-like, looking very delicate from a distance. The tree forms a broad spreading crown. The bark is brown to tan in color, with slight shredded-like exfoliation. 

Shade Tree
Large Tree


90 Feet



30 Feet

USDA Hardiness Zone 8b

Available Sizes:

Item Description
CYP-MON-45 #045 CYPRESS, MONTEZUMA View Current Crop Photo
CYP-MON-95 #095 CYPRESS, MONTEZUMA View Current Crop Photo

Characteristics & Attributes

Deer Tolerance
Full Sun to Part Shade
Water Needs