Mortellaro's Nursery

(210) 655-2192 FAX (210) 656-8339

Plants Available 01/20/2025

418FLT #001 #005 #0015 #0030 Misc. Size
Abelia Edward Goucher
Agave Artichoke
Agave Century Plant
Agave weberi
Alyssum Sweet
18ct Flat
Anacua Anacua
Aspidistra Aspidistra
Berkeley Sedge Berkeley Sedge
Bottlebrush Dwarf
Bougainvillea Barbara Karst (Red)
Bougainvillea Flame
Bougainvillea Juanita Hatten (Red)
Bougainvillea Variegated Vickie
Boxwood Japanese
Boxwood Wintergem
Bulbine Bulbine
18ct Flat
Butterfly Bush 'Chrysalis Pink' Butterfly Bush 'Chrysalis Pink'
Butterfly Vine Butterfly Vine
Cherry Laurel Compact
Copper Canyon Daisy Copper Canyon Daisy
Coreopsis Coreopsis
Cotoneaster Grayleaf
Crape Myrtle Basham
Crape Myrtle Dynamite
Crape Myrtle Natchez
Crape Myrtle Pink Velour
Crape Myrtle Red Rocket
Crape Myrtle Tuscarora
Crape Myrtle Twilight
Crossvine Crossvine
Cuphea Bat Face
Cuphea Dwarf Mexican Heather
Cypress Italian
Cypress Montezuma
Cypress Montezuma
Daisy Black Foot
Daisy Bush
Damianita Damianita
Desert Willow 'Sweet Bubba'
Dianella Variegated Flax Lily
Dianthus Dianthus
Elm Cedar
Elm Cedar
Esperanza Dwarf
Eve's Necklace Eve's Necklace
Fern Foxtail
Fern Holly
Fern Sprengeri
Fern Sprengeri
Fig Tree Fig Tree
Fig Vine Fig Vine
Garlic (Society) Garlic (Society)
18ct Flat
Grass Dwarf Hameln
Grass Muhly
Grass Purple Fountain
Hawthorn Snow White
Holly Burford Dwarf
Holly Dwarf Yaupon
Holly Nellie R. Stevens
Holly Nellie R. Stevens "Standard Form"
Holly Possom Haw Yaupon
Holly Pride of Houston Yaupon
Honeysuckle Halls
Honeysuckle Purple
Iris Bicolor
Iris Butterfly
Ixora Ixora
Japanese Blueberry Shrub Japanese Blueberry Shrub
Japanese Blueberry Tree - Tree Form Japanese Blueberry Tree - Tree Form
Jasmine Asian
18ct Flat
Jasmine Carolina
Jasmine Confederate
Jasmine Primrose
Lantana Confetti
Lantana Gold
18ct Flat
Lantana Gold
Lantana Irene
Lantana Purple
Lantana Purple
18ct Flat
Lantana Radiation
Lantana White
Ligustrum Japanese
Ligustrum Variegated Privet
Ligustrum Waxleaf
Lirope Giant
Loquat Japanese Plum
Mexican Buckeye Mexican Buckeye
Mexican Oregano Mexican Oregano
Monkey Grass Monkey Grass
18ct Flat
Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel
Myrtle Southern Wax
Nandina Compact
Nandina Domestic
Nandina Gulfstream
Nandina Nana
Oak Bur
Oak Bur
Oak Bur
Oak Chinquapin
Oak Chinquapin
Oak Lacey
Oak Live
Oak Live
Oak Live
Oak Mexican
Oak Mexican
Oak Mexican
Oak Mexican
Oak Red
Oak Red
Oak Red
Oak Sierra
Oleander Dwarf
Olive Mexican
Olive Mission
Olive Mission (Standard Form)
Palm Mediterrarean Fan
Palm Mediterrarean Fan
Palm Sago
Palm Windmill
Pansy Pansy
18ct Flat
Philodendron Split Leaf
Photinia x fraseri Photinia x fraseri
Plumbago Plumbago
Potato (Sweet) Black Heart
Potato (Sweet) Marguerite
Potato (Sweet) Variegated
Pothos Ivy Pothos Ivy
Pride of Barbados Pride of Barbados
Red Hot Poker Red Hot Poker
Red Hot Poker (Yellow) Red Hot Poker (Yellow)
Retama Tree Retama Tree
Rose Belinda's Dream
Rose Belinda's Dream
Rose Knock Out®
Rose Knock Out®
Rose Mutabilis
Rose Mutabilis
Rose Pink Drift®
Rosemary Rosemary
Rosemary Weeping
Ruellia Katie Mexican Petunia
Russian Sage Russian Sage
Salvia Greggii Coral
Salvia Greggii Pink
Salvia Greggii Raspberry
Salvia Greggii Red
Salvia Greggii White
Salvia leucantha
Salvia Rose Marvel
Senisa Compact
Senisa Greencloud
Skullcap Skullcap
Skyward Blue Veronica Skyward Blue Veronica
Sumac Flameleaf
Sycamore Mexican
Sycamore Mexican
Turk's Cap Turk's Cap
Viburnum awabuki
Viburnum Suspensum
Vitex Chaste Tree
Xylosma Xylosma
Yew Japanese
Yucca Blue Sotol
Yucca Color Guard
Yucca Red
Yucca Sotol
Yucca Weeping
Yucca Yellow Blooming
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Mortellaro's Nursery
16946 I.H. 35 North
Schertz, TX 78154