External Resources

Tree Planting Guidelines -- A healthy tree all starts with properly installing it in the landscape. This is from our 2016 Catalog, page 25

Here are some resources outside of Mortellaros.com that you may find useful.

USDA Hardiness Zone Map of Texas  This is the hardiness zone map referenced on plants found on our website. 


Texas General Soil Map -  detailed analysis of soil all across Texas


Research and Identify Turfgrass  Diseases, Weeds, or Insects at AggieTurf

Get your Plant Disease Issue Identified at TPDDL

The Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, located in College Station, Texas, is a service lab of the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at Texas A&M University in conjunction with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.  If they can't identify your landscape's ailment, that would be quite a feat. 


ASPCA Poison Control Website

The ASPCA has a great resource to check if a plant is toxic to dogs, cats, or horses. It was referrenced when labeling any plants on our website or catalog as toxic.